You’re here because you fancy yourself as someone who likes to lead the way. Someone willing to step forward. To take a risk. To pioneer. To Lead. You’re someone who likes to #GOFIRST.
This is our insider, experimental, early adopter newsletter for all things we do that are at an early stage of development.
It’s the type of thing where we might send out 5 emails in 5 days, then not another one for 9 months.
If you decide to join with us early on you will be rewarded with lower cost, or even free, on the things we’re working on. It’s the least we can do since you’re risking with us.
This isn’t for everyone and space will always be limited. There is always some risk that some of our ideas will fail… though by the time we’re letting you know, we’ve likely already had some success with our experiment.
“Fortune favors the bold” as they say!!
Mom’s the word!! Now go play!!